Chicken Casserole Chicken is a great first meat to introduce to babies as it is versatile, easy to cook and mild in flavor whilst being an excellent source of protein. Chicken blends well with virtually any ingredient and casseroles are a great way of giving your baby...
Red Lentils Puree Red lentils are a popular food with babies as they are creamy and very tasty! Red lentils are smaller than green or brown lentils and cook fairly quickly. They are an excellent source of protein, folate, iron and other minerals as well as fiber....
Carrot Puree Carrots are an excellent weaning food as babies like their naturally sweet taste. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and other nutrients such as Vitamin A, C and calcium. Serves: 12 ozs Carrot Purée Age: 4 months old / Baby’s 1st Foods Ingredients 1 lb....
Sweet Potato Puree Sweet potatoes are a popular first food to introduce to babies because they are highly nutritional whilst being sweet and mild. Sweet potatoes are packed with fiber, beta-carotene, vitamins A and C and minerals such as iron, calcium and folate....